Budo Sansho


Site policy

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While every attempt has been made to prepare the information published on this website as accurately as possible, Aridagawa Town makes no guarantee of the accuracy or completeness of this information.
Aridagawa Town may make changes to the information published on this website without notification.
Aridagawa Town bears no responsibility to users of this website for any direct or indirect loss associated with the information included on this website or the use of the content.


The text, illustrations, logos, figures, photographs, software and all other information published on this site are copyrighted by Aridagawa Town or third parties.
Except in cases where permitted by copyright law, such as reproduction for personal use, the use (including reproduction, modification, distribution or public transmission, etc.) of this information without the prior approval of the copyright owner is prohibited by law.


Linking to this website, both for profit or non-profit purposes, is permitted in principle; however please refrain from using links where any of the following apply, or there is a possibility that any of the following apply.

○Websites that include content that is intended to defame or disrepute Aridagawa Town, other people, or other organizations.

○Websites that infringe on, or websites where there is a possibility of infringement on, intellectual property rights such as copyrights and trademark rights, privacy, portrait rights or other rights of Aridagawa Town, other people, or other organizations.

○Websites that make it unclear that this content is the content of Aridagawa Town, or where there is a possibility of misleading a third party, including the extension of this website within a frame. (Be sure to set the link format so that this website is displayed, where the page switches entirely to this website or opens in a new browser window.)

○In addition to the points listed above, websites that may be: in breach of laws, including statues, regulations; contravening public order and morals; or, obstructing the operation of this websites’ services.

Contact Us

Commerce, Industry and Tourism Section
Aridagawa Town Office

136-2, Nakaibara, Aridagawa-cho, Arida-gun, Wakayama Prefecture, 643-0153

Phone: 0737-22-4506
(Hours: Weekdays, 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.)
Fax.: 0737-32-9555

Contact us using the online inquiry form
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