70 years of protecting Japan’s forestry industry
Our company was founded in Aridagawa, which lies in one of the most forested regions in Japan, as a manufacturer of scaffolding logs used for temporary construction materials.
For 70 years, we have been a part of Japan’s lumber industry from the early days when lumber was transported downstream from the mountains, and survived through the lowering demand in lumber materials during the period of rapid economic boom of Japan.

At present, we have 13 staff members who are engaged in forestry business, including the production of lumber materials. One member of our staff moved from Yokohama after graduating from high school to pursue a career in forestry.
We offer a wide variety of field experience, from maintenance of forests by planting or logging trees, to clearing trees near temples, shrines, and other cultural historic sites.
In addition, we put a lot of effort into providing support to acquire qualifications related to mountain forestry, so you can plan long term for the future.
*What is thinning?
Thinning is the process of removing smaller trees to promote growth of stronger trees. Rather than leaving the trees as compost, we collect and sell the resources to buyers. Thinning allows to control and prevent the overcrowding of trees leading to stronger forests.